Saturday, July 26, 2008

Planning Meeting July 17th

Last Thursday we held a planning meeting for the BHC at our apartment. There were only six of us...three Leibowitzes and three guests. Because it was such a small meeting we added a discussion on how many members we'd need for a quorum to make major decisions that go to the structure of the organization. We proposed 7 as the minimum, but will poll the membership to see whether they agree.

We also decided to elect 3 officers, the bare minimum required for a nonprofit organization (which we hope to become eventually). Nominations were put forward and we agreed that I will send out a letter and email asking the members to vote for a President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Finally, we decided to do two projects this coming year: working with veterans in some capacity, and working to stop sex trafficking in children. Ruth is going to investigate the Veterans' Hospital in Brooklyn and Antoinette is looking into local organizations working on the sex trafficking issue to find out how we can lend a hand.

Coming up in August we have a Reflection, our First Anniversary Lunch, and Book Club. And in September, we're back to the libraries for more of our programs, this time with some guest speakers.

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