Sunday, November 9, 2008

BHC's First Social Action

Yesterday members of the BHC embarked on our first social action. Several months ago, our members voted to concentrate on aiding veterans this year. We invited Janeen Thompson, Volunteer Program Coordinator with the Visiting Nurse Service of New York to train us for a one-day phone action, calling veterans in hospice to thank them for their service to their country.

Seven of us attended the training and two others expressed interest in making the calls this Tuesday, Veterans' Day. Ms. Thompson also offered us the opportunity to get involved in a new program. If we sign up for it, we'd be visiting veterans in hospice and presenting them with a certificate officially thanking them for their service. We'd be accompanied by a spiritual leader and there would be a ceremony to thank the veteran.

In the meantime, this is the first step. After this, some of us have expressed interest in attending trainings to visit with the veterans in hospice, and I think we can get a number of people together who are ready to do this project.

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