Sunday, April 19, 2009

April Reflection: Six Word Biography

Last night Dr. Kurt Johnson led us in a different type of Reflection. Instead of reflecting on someone's writings or philosophy, we brought our own "six word memoirs" and then explained why we chose those particular six words. Many of these memoirs were quite emotional and evoked strong feelings in the listeners. Afterwards I think we knew quite a bit more about each other than when we entered the room.

As part of the closing exercises, we discussed whether it was difficult or easy to find just six words to sum up our lives so far, and what extra words we would add, if any. Then we used three to six words to describe our futures. Mine were: health, continued love, success, and laughter. Roger said, "You want everything!" and I grinned and said, "Why not?"

We also watched the TV episode where Susan Boyle wowed the crowd with her song. Afterwards we discussed society's tendency to pigeonhole people according to their appearance, and the assumption that an "unattractive" woman couldn't possibly be a fantastic singer. This site has had over 7 million viewings now, and shows that people may be tired of this kind of superficial judgment. Maybe we're ready for looking beyond the surface.

Kudos to Maureen for hosting, to Kurt as always for leading the Reflection, and to Constance for assisting and contributing the "Six Word" idea.

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