Sunday, May 31, 2009

June 2009 Schedule

Here's the BHC June Schedule, thus far:

Sunday, June 14th, 2:30 PM: Come hear America's leading expert on voter participation and elections speak on, "American Democracy: Problems Beneath the Surface." Curtis Gans will speak to the BHC and friends at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Brooklyn, 50 Monroe Place in Brooklyn Heights. Please invite your friends!

June Reflection: Date and Place TBA

Tuesday, June 16th, 7:30 PM: BHC Board Meeting, at Tony & Melanie's. All are welcome. Our main working topic will be the budget.

Tuesday, June 23rd, 7 PM: BHC Program Committee meeting, at Tony & Melanie's. Please RSVP. We'll be making summer and fall plans.

Sunday, June 28th: BHC Book Club will take a field trip to see, "My Sister's Keeper," a new film based on Jodi Picoult's book by the same name. The Book Club discussed this book some months ago. Time and movie theater TBA.

Looking Ahead: July 4th Potluck BBQ: Time and Place TBA

1 comment:

Daniel Mann said...

Celeste et. al.

I enjoyed your talk with Dr. Gans and looking forward to attending your potluck 7/11 with my wife and possbily a friend.

Please click onto my blog. Perhaps my oprientation might be a little outside of your parameters. I'd appreciate hearing from you about this.