Sunday, June 1, 2008

Planning Meeting May 22nd

We had an excellent turnout for the planning meeting on May 22nd at Ruth's apartment. The potluck dinner beforehand was delicious. There were cold cuts, cheese, and all kinds of other items. Roger brought a delicious freshly baked bread with bits of black cabbage baked into it. Constance made couscous with vegetables. The BHC certainly knows how to cook -- and eat!

Tony presided over the meeting. We started late but managed to finish up in about an hour and a half. There were three major decisions: (1) to collect seed money towards our start up needs, (2) to invite an out-of-town speaker to one of our meetings, and pay his travel expenses, provided we could get a particular room that would be worthy of his ability to draw a crowd, and would give us the opportunity to do outreach, and (3) we formed a task force of Tony, Remi and me, for the purpose of researching types of incorporation and how we can go about it.

Our next planning meeting is set for June 19th and it looks like I'm going to preside. Kudos to Tony for running the meeting so well, and for making sure we set a date for the next meeting before we left.

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