Sunday, August 31, 2008

August Book Club

Last Sunday we met at Sheila's and discussed Philip Roth's The Plot Against America. I usually read the book at least twice to make sure I remember the details but I found this one so unsettling that I just couldn't re-read it. We discussed whether it could happen here. I don't think it could happen that same way but as some others said, we could lose our civil liberties and in fact have lost a lot of them under the present administration.

I found it interesting that he really used his own family as the basis of the story so it was autobiographical in a way but he fictionalized the political events. Still, I had the feeling that his relatives would have reacted exactly as they did in the book had a fascist government come to power in America.

Sheila always puts together great props. This time she posted a map of the United States on her door and wrote on it, "Save America from Lindbergh and the fascists!" I wonder what her neighbors made of that, it probably completely puzzled them!

There was a delicious spread as always, great company and an excellent and lively book discussion. We've mapped out the next book club discussions all the way to December. Kudos to Sheila for running a terrific group!

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