Friday, August 22, 2008

First Anniversary Luncheon

Last Sunday seventeen of us held our first Anniversary luncheon at Pietro's. It was a great afternoon. The food was terrific: salad, pasta, three choices of entree, and a cake that was almost too pretty to eat. (But, we managed).

Major kudos to Antoinette for doing the legwork and arranging this party, and thanks to Tony for suggesting the restaurant.

We've come through a full year of programs, reflections and fun. Now we've got a lineup for the fall that includes guest speakers and exciting topics. We're planning for volunteer work and planning to attract more members. In the coming year, we'll be moving closer to incorporation and formalizing ourselves as a nonprofit organization.

No matter how many new members we attract, we've built a solid core that is sure to endure and grow. We're on our way!

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