Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Great Holiday Bash!

On Saturday night we gathered at Michael and Antoinette's for a holiday party. As usual the food was varied and delicious. Ruth P. donated a giant hero in honor of her grandson's wedding. We also had chili, mixed vegetables, green salad, potatoes au gratin, and latkes. For dessert we ate cheesecake, coffee cake, apple strudel, and some yummy cookies.
Selma lit the Hanukah candles, and we enjoyed the beautiful mingled decorations, dreidels and stars along with Christmas trees and wreaths. After dinner some of us played Apples to Apples, a game that generated much merriment.
Adriana surprised us by coming costumed as a gypsy. She brought her Tarot deck and did readings for those who requested one. Her readings were amazingly on target in most cases, too.
By the time we started home it was late, and we took car service. Kudos to Michael and Antoinette for hosting another wonderful get together!
Tomorrow we're meeting for a New Year's Brunch, to start 2009 off right. It's been a rocky year with some big ups and some major downs. In 2009, the BHC will be moving forward, finding a new place to meet, becoming a nonprofit organization, and getting involved in some hands on work towards building a better and more ethical world.

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