Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Book Club Discussion: The Kite Runner

The BHC Book Discussion group held another exciting meeting on Sunday, October 18th. Our topic this time was The Kite Runner: can this man be redeemed?

We discussed the book in its political and economic context. The rigid class system and the political turbulence that affected the characters' lives were very obvious. Sheila asked us to ponder what events in our lives or our parents' lives affected us. Several people cited World War II as a major factor in either their own or their parents' lives. I mentioned the Vietnam War and JFK's assassination as having shaped my views and many of my actions throughout my life.

I felt Amir could be redeemed, that he was doing his best at the end of the book to make a good life for Hassan's son. The wrong that he did, really, was an act of cowardice compounded by a lie. But it was the act of a frightened and guilty 12 year old boy. Even though the consequences were terrible, I didn't feel it was right to judge him as if he were an adult.

I'm looking forward to our next meeting on November 15th, to discuss "This I Believe."

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