Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Transformative Leadership with David Mensah

Those of us who attended yesterday's program with David Mensah got a unique treat.

David had us sit in a semicircle, conducting a much more interactive program than he might have if we'd filled the room to SRO. We heard his insights on leadership and what stops people from becoming the leaders they are meant to be, as well as how to get out of our own way and put the internal conversations that hold us back aside.

He addressed individual questions and shared his own personal history and experiences that have led him to writing this book on transformative leadership, Who I Am is Leader. The book will be completed at the end of October so we might be able to find it in bookstores by the holiday season, or so I hope! I'm recommending his book for the book club as soon as it is available.

It's hard to convey in words how inspiring, insightful and entertaining David's talk was. David's business in leadership training and consulting has been thriving and he's booked up 2 years in advance. He donated a very valuable hour and a half of his time!

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