Saturday, October 18, 2008

BHC Flea Market a Big Success!

Today the BHC held our first fundraising event at the outdoor flea market in the PS 321 schoolyard. Antoinette and Michael took the lead, picking up merchandise from various members, and making the arrangements.

Kudos to them, and also kudos to Adriana, Ruth and Annette who helped out in the morning, and to Celeste, Jason, Antoinette, Robin and Adriana who helped in the afternoon. Bruce and Michael were manning the table all day long so extra special thanks to them. Thanks also to Robin and Bonnie and all who contributed sales items, as well as to Tony who brought merchandise to the flea market.

The morning was chilly, the afternoon was warm, and the temperature dropped off sharply in the late afternoon. Regardless of the weather, everyone persevered. We gave out flyers with the BHC mission statement and advertising next week's monthly program with Deb Howard.

Best of all, we sold enough to increase our treasury by 26%! This moves us along on the road toward incorporation.

Tonight, we're weary but proud of our efforts. Hooray for BHC!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is truly amazing what commitment, hard work, and dedication can accomplish. I am very proud or our small but growing community. I am very proud of all that took part in this fundraising project, but even more proud of OUR ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP and dedicated friends such as Dr. Kurt Johnson, for their nurturing this new organization to new heights every month.

As an old song from the disco era refrained: "Ain't no stoppin' us now!!!"

Bruce L.