Saturday, October 18, 2008

October Reflection on Emerson

On Saturday evening, October 11th, we met at Maureen's apartment for our monthly Reflection with Dr. Kurt Johnson. Our topic was based on the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Constance read us a brief biography of Mr. Emerson, and we read over several pages of his quotes. As we usually do, people picked a quote of particular interest to them and discussed it. Kurt is a wonderful resource of additional information to fill in and explain what lies behind the readings for our Reflections.

To give everyone a chance to speak uninterrupted, we passed a "talking stick" that was actually a candlestick sans candle. At the closing go-around, when it was passed to me, I spoke into it as if it were a microphone, and this started the group giggling. We just went into gales of laughter for a few moments as each of us pretended the candlestick was a live mike.

It's so good to seek the higher ground and explore these enriching resources together. And laughter is very healing.

Thanks to Kurt and Constance for putting the program together, and thanks to Maureen for being a great hostess. Maureen has offered to host our November Reflection (scheduled for November 15th) as well. Kudos, Maureen!

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